Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bod Pod Results and 12 week photo!

So, today I did the Bod Pod.  I was less than stoked by the results.  You might recall from my Day 1 post, that my goal was to get to 25% body fat.  I didn't make it.  In fact, I barely budged in that direction (by 0.1%).  Here are the results from January and today:

Friday, March 14, 2014

I'm back!

I'm back!!  I took a bit of time off from these challenges because I had a major remodel of my bathroom and I wasn't able to get back to the blog.  I am back and will be catching up now.  Sometimes, life just happens that way.  I wish it hadn't, but I am not going to beat myself up about things I can't control.  That does not mean, however, that I took time away from my health goals and working on the challenge.  I took a photo last night and did a new before & after spread to see where I was at with my program.  The "9 WEEKS" photo on the right was me yesterday (you'll have to excuse me for not wearing make-up).  I really didn't expect those results.  I am proud of what I have done!  I didn't know what to expect when I started the challenge in January, but in just a few weeks, I have come so far.  I have a few weeks to go and I am stoked to see the difference! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 35

37Oh my goodness!  Look at the picture in today's email.  This is exactly what it looked like here this weekend!  We had tons of snow and were stuck at the house.  We went out sledding and had a good ol' fashioned snowball fight!  I gotta tell you, the last snow storm we had like this was in 2008.  Ryan was about six months old and I was at my heaviest -- ever.  I weighed about 75 lbs. more and had about 90% less energy.  We have a lovely sledding hill in our back yard, but I didn't think it was lovely back then.  Nope, in fact, I despised it.  I wanted to have fun, but my body wasn't up for the challenge.  THIS winter, however, that is a much different story.  Not only can we keep up with our kids, we spent hours outside playing and having fun.  As I reflect back now, I don't think I realized then what I was missing out on.  I accepted life in my tired body and all the limitations that went with it.  If I knew then what I would be doing this winter and enjoying the best snow storm since 2008 (some people say the worst, but it was so much fun, I say the best!).  Check out the picture of me (on my hands and knees -- without pain!):  
Photo: The wife and I are sledding in the yard while the boys are inside cleaning! #win

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 32

I've had some technical difficulties getting my daily emails, so now I am playing catch-up a little with the challenges.

Today's challenge introduces us to the color coded grocery shopping system from my health program.  

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 34


Saturday's challenge is to reflect about the last week's challenges and hard work.  Boy have we come far!  We're almost five weeks in and doing great!  I've reinforced the great habits I've learned over the course of my program.  

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 33

This week's challenge is a tough one for me: eat fish three times each week.  Before my health program, I ate no fish.  NONE.  I didn't like the taste or the smell.  Well, when I started my health program, I told my coach I would do whatever it took.  Doing what I was doing at the time wasn't working or getting me to where I needed to be, so I knew that if I wanted to be healthy, I needed to be open to and create change.  I now eat fish periodically, but still not nearly enough as I should.  It's actually one of the biggest things holding me back from improving my health score.  So, I am going to incorporate that change.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 31

Today's challenge is look at causes for over-eating.  For me, that is often boredom, stress, low energy and simply sitting at a computer.  Knowing that those things trigger me to eat away from my meal plan, this challenge is a great one for me to revisit.  Today, we're supposed to make a list of activities that we can do instead of over-eating.  (Over-eating, by the way, means eating when and what you haven't planned.  It doesn't necessarily mean eating more than your stomach can hold, which is how our culture tends to use the word "over-eat.")

Here is the list I made:  

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 30

Today's challenge is to optimize your environment and create one that promotes health and your goals.  I work with a health coach as one way of reinforcing my environment.  I know I can call on her when I struggle and she walks along side me through the struggle.  

We choose most of our environment and we can choose to make it full of health or disease.  For instance, I only buy groceries that are healthy.  If I brought candy and unhealthy food into the house, I am more likely to eat it.  When those foods aren't in the house, it makes it very difficult to eat them, right?    

When I started this program a few years ago, I went through my kitchen and created a healthy environment.  That was a step I needed to do to get started.  That doesn't just mean cleaning out the "bad" food from the cabinets, but we also did the following: 

  • Put our food scale out on the counter
  • Used measuring cups as serving spoons (until we were able to eye-ball the right portions)
  • Kept Food on the stove and counter away from the table so that seconds weren't easy to get
  • Started cooking smaller portions so that there wasn't food leftover to tempt us to eat seconds
  • Turned the TV off at meal time
  • Chewed gum while cooking to avoid taste-testing too much
  • Painted our kitchen a cool color (blue is best, but we chose a blue-green), which studies show tends to decrease your appetite
  • Started eating right under our kitchen light where it is brightest in the room (studies show you eat less in bright light)

I just took a picture of our fridge and counter and wanted to share it with you and a few of my tips:

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 29

Today's challenge discusses reaching our healthy weight.  

I want to digress a little here for a minute...  I am at a healthy weight now, and have been for several years, but for most of my life I wasn't.  I was obese.  I still feel like my mind hasn't caught up -- years later.  It's a hard thing to face that I still feel like I have an obese mind.  I still look at chocolate like the devil on my shoulder.  I still want dessert I know would not be a good choice.  I try to be strong and a good role model to my kids and my clients, but I am still developing my own strategies to cope and deal with those situations when temptation is so strong I feel like I will fold.  The longer I am at a healthy weight, the harder it is for my friends and family to understand what it is to want desperately to never be in that place again.  In fact, the peer pressure (yes, at MY age) is sometimes intolerable.  

I have an upcoming trip out of town with some friends and I am dreading the choices I am going to be faced with.  Normally, it's not an issue.  I can ignore or avoid the choices that are inconsistent with my health goals.  But there has been a lot of pressure to "have just one" or that "one bite won't hurt."  The problem is that, for me and my history with food, one bite sometimes leads to ten or twenty or thirty.  In fact, I sometimes feel like justifying eating some treats with the hard work I have been doing.  I talk myself out of those thoughts usually and that works fine.  

While I told my friends that I can't do certain things or go to certain places, they brushed it off and I think that is due in part to the fact that they don't understand how hard my journey has been or that I still struggle every day to be healthy.  It isn't easy for me, but I am trying to do this the best I can.  This challenge is so important to me, and I am becoming better because of it.  I don't want to sacrifice my health for a weekend with friends.  I don't know what choices I will be faced with, but I am going to work really hard to keep those goals at the forefront of my mind to help me stay on track.   

Now, back to today's challenge...

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 28

Today's challenge is to share my success with the challenge on Facebook.  I get so much support and wonderful encouragement when I share what I have been doing to be healthy that I just want to share with people that it is possible for them too.  This is a short post, but I am still working at my daily habits to continue this challenge in a way that the habits are sustainable.  Health is a lifelong choice I have adopted as a lifestyle and that isn't going to change.  I want badly to build on each habit and become better every day.  I never would have dreamed it would lead to the life I have today.  Sometimes dreams are bigger than we can imagine.  

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 27

Today's challenge is reflection.  (I love these reflection challenges!)  How often do we sit, often overwhelmed, dreaming of all that we have to do still with no end in sight?  It's something I do all too well.  Having a few moments of reflection to relax and relive some recent success in your life is peaceful and calming.  

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 26

Today's challenge is to create a timeline for success, which creates some urgency and doesn't allow our minds to wonder into "Someday Land," which is where we tell ourselves that "Someday, I will ________________ so that I can be healthier."  Sometimes "Someday" is replaced with "Tomorrows" or "Next Weeks," but they really all mean "Someday."  First, we list things that are going to help us get to where we want to be.  Second, we assign a realistic timeline to complete those things.  I am using the action steps and timeline from Day 25's challenge.  Here is my timeline:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 25

I was so excited today at CrossFit.  I reached a personal record in my lifting: I deadlifted 150 lbs., which is more than I weigh.  I can lift more than I weigh!!  Holy cow!  On the fourth day of this challenge, I lifted 125 lbs.  Last week, on day 18, I lifted 140 lbs.  Now, just one week later, I was able to lift 150 lbs.  That is so exciting.  I never would have guessed how quickly that progress would come.  I am definitely getting stronger and now I have proof! 

Today's health transformation challenge was

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 24

Today's challenge is to review the goals we set on Day 5, and list 10 primary choices I will make to achieve optimal health.  The choices don't have to be ones that I want to make (many of them are tough to make), but they all have the common goal to get me closer to my dreams and goals.  My choices are:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 23

Today's workout at CrossFit was a killer.  I was not looking forward to it and I am so glad it is over.  I posted that on Facebook and someone commented that the workouts you hate the most give you the best results.  I desperately needed a reminder of how far I've come over the last few weeks today.  I took a peek at my progress photo several times, took a deep breath, and headed in to face the craziness.  I didn't want to go, but I did anyways.  I know it will pay off eventually, I just wish I was easier now.  I guess if it were easier now, I won't feel as accomplished later.  Anyways, on to today's challenge...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Healthy Transformation Challenge: Day 22

Happy Monday!  Today starts week four of the transformation.  I started my day with CrossFit.  Every day is a little easier (though it doesn't seem that way at the time).  I'm either not sore or slightly sore and recovery is getting so much easier.  Thank goodness!  I am even making friends with the people there and I feel so much more comfortable than a few weeks ago.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 21

Today ends week three.  It's another rest day from CrossFit and my muscles are nearly fully recovered from last week.  (Thank goodness!)  

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 20

Saturday is a rest day from CrossFit, so I am fulling taking advantage of that!  Additionally, to build on my stress reduction habits, we have very little planned, and what we do have planned leaves plenty of time to relax.  Woohoo!  I really do love low-key weekends.  

Friday, January 24, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 19

Today was a very exciting day for me.  I don't feel much different, but I decided to try on the clothes I wore in my Day 1 Health Transformation Challenge photo (Click here to read my post for Day 1).  To my disbelief (truly - I didn't believe it), my body is transforming and I didn't even realize it.  Whoa!  I had no idea I would see results this quickly.  It gave me a HUGE boost at CrossFit today and I felt so energized that I was actually making a difference without losing weight.  I feel like I am getting closer to my goal and it feels A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!  I used to get those feelings when I was losing weight, but now that I have been maintaining for a couple years, I haven't had that kind of a rush in a while.  So, I sent my husband and my coach a picture, I showed my kiddos (this said I didn't have as many bumps anymore) and now, I am unveiling the picture to y'all:

Can you believe that?  I couldn't.  I still can't; I just keep staring at it.  THIS is what I needed to keep going to all those insane workouts and make all my other healthy choices about sleep, food, stress, etc.  I don't know why anyone would pass-up this Challenge - it's awesome and it's free!  

Recipe: Taco Stuffed Peppers

These would be great on a smaller scale as finger foods for a party!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 18

Almost 25% to my 12-week transformation!  Spending time every day has helped improve my awareness of my daily choices.  I don't have "throw-away" days -- you know where you make a bad choice, which leads to another, and another, and another and eventually you throw the day away because there is no chance to recover from all the unhealthy choices.  My issue is that just as one bad choice leads to another, one throw-away day leads to another and another, eventually adding up to a throw-away week, month and year.  Been there!  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 17

Today's challenge is to set SMART goals (Click here to learn what that means).  I will share my focus for this 12 week challenge:

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 16

CrossFit was hard today.  I am kicking myself now because I couldn't get all the exercises in and honestly, I feel like I didn't put all I had into it.  There were new exercises I didn't know how to do, had terrible muscle fatigue and I gave up.  Here's where my lovely blog becomes my accountability.  Ugh!  I hate to write this.  I really try hard to be a good example.  Instead of beating myself up, I've decided to deal with this in a healthy way by:

  1. Posting it here for the world to see (Eek!);
  2. Look forward to tomorrow and try more then;
  3. Think about the hard work I did do (which was about 90% of the workout).  
  4. Focus on some positives: My form is so much better and I am not nearly as sore daily.  I'm getting better and one day isn't going to ruin 11 other really good hard-working days.  
Now, let's move on to today's challenge...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 15

Today begins my third week of my transformation.  I feel so much better than I did when I started.  I think my hard work is starting to pay off.  I definitely feel less stressed, my sleep is getting back to normal and my schedule is getting under control.  (Thank goodness!)  

CrossFit was difficult, BUT I my body is getting used to me pushing it everyday and I don't feel horrible every day.  I feel like things are finally starting to fall into place and I feel stronger.  My squats (the bane of my existance when I started) are getting a lot better and I can get really low in them and (the best part) stand back up again.  WHAT?! ME?!  Oh yah, I am so doing that now!  

So the challenge for Day 15 is

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 14

Sunday is another rest day from CrossFit.  I can say that I am relieved and healing so much quicker than the first week.  (PHEW!)  Today's challenge 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 13

Happy Saturday; Day 13 is here!  It is my day off from CrossFit and I am on my way to see my cousin for her baby shower.  Today's challenge is a short, quick one, but one for which I need your help. 

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 12

We made it to Day 12 -- Woohoo.  Thanks for following along and for your support.  

For today's challenge, we ask ourselves three questions.  Here are the questions and my answers:

1. Is my health improving every day?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 11

We made it to Day 11!!!

I identified some triggers to my habits of disease (isn't looking in the mirror hard sometimes?).  Today's challenge is a learning one.  We are looking at some steps to help combat those triggers and, well, talk about hitting a nail on the head, these are really things that I work on daily.  It's so tough to get healthy and in the healthy mindframe, but staying there and resisting the urge to fall back into our old habits...  that is a big challenge too -- and one I struggle with all the time.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 10

Has anyone else been thinking about behavior chains since yesterday?  I see them in my kiddos and it's amazing how analyzing yourself starts the wheels turning for other things too.

Today's challenge was to identify 10 habits of disease and the triggers that lead us to them.  {Click here to read more.}

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 9

I had an amazing morning today at CrossFit -- it's happening!  I was able to keep up with everyone, knew where equipment was, and I even counted down the last part of someone's workout (and then she thanked me).  Holy guacamole, Batman!  I did not see that coming.  I still have some pain, but it is getting better and I even got a tip from the instructor to help (and it did!).  Today was a good day!

Today's health transformation challenge focuses on how we end up making choices inconsistent with our goals.  The challenge breaks down behavior chains that ultimately lead to those choices.  The good news is that if you break the chain anywhere along the line, you are going to have to create a new choice in it's place. 

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 8

Welcome to week two of the challenge!!  Hard to believe there are only 11 weeks left.  Too cool. 
Today's challenge has three parts: journal review, identifying grazing habits and identifying habits that support healthy choices.  Here's how I handled those:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 7

Day 7: The challenge continues!  

Seven days down and I am feeling so good about returning to the basics.  Day seven's challenge is about overhauling your journal.  I printed my blog posts, including my before photo (ugh!) and bought a notebook to put it in.  The focus of the new journal is reaching goals instead of only focusing on food.  I like it!  My journal will help me dream more each day about the new me that I am becoming.  What better way to visualize my transformation than to keep it all in one place, right?  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 6

Day 6 of the health challenge was another really good exercise in thinking about things that should be obvious, but that we just don't think about.  

All week long I struggled with my new full time health coaching schedule.  It seems strange because the only thing that should have changed was that I no longer worked a job during the day and could devote more time to helping people get healthy...  WRONG!  So many things popped up, and I am sure you can relate.  I was at an unhealthy stress level and I know I need to figure out why and fix it.  But how?  (That is always what holds us back, isn't it?)  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 5

Day 5 of my health transformation was fairly eye opening.  Talk about a challenge that holds you accountable to yourself!  

The challenge was to identify five lifestyle events that I want to accomplish (no matter how big or small the dream).  Here are mine:

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 4

Today’s challenge is one for thought.  We know the power of habits – driving home and not remembering how we got there, for example.  But how do we break those bad habits (like eating while we watch TV – this is a hard one for me) and replace it with a good habit (like not watching TV at all)?  It’s all a process revolving around consistency in the following steps:

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 3

Today's challenge was two parts: (1) to inventory your habits of health vs. habits of disease; and (2) identify foods you ate on day 2 that had prominent unhealthy ingredients, including high glycemic ingredients (sugar/ high fructose corn syrup), high fat ingredients, high salt ingredients and/or a chemical ingredient. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 2

Day 2 was easier than day 1, which is usually the case, isn't it?

Today's challenge was to log all my food in a journal.  There are lots of mobile apps (and I've used a lot of them), but I personally feel more accountability when I write my food log in a notebook.  So, I stopped by the store and picked up a $1 mini notebook that fits in my purse.  I logged all my food for the day.  I forgot to log all my water, but there is always room for improvement, right?  That's my goal for tomorrow.  Here's my journal:

See, nothing fancy!  How easy is that?!

[Click here to keep reading]

Monday, January 6, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 1

Today was a big first day for me in the Health Transformation Challenge! 

I had my first CrossFit class and it was incredibly difficult.  I knew it would be.  It is so difficult to walk into any gym and feel like the person at whom everyone is looking.  I know how important it is to burst through my comfort zone and into the path of the goals I want most in life.    So, I asked lots of questions (some seemed silly) and let them watch as I learned.  Then, something happened; the other people in the class I never met before started calling me by name and encouraging me.  Perfect strangers that, in my mind, were staring in disbelief, were actually eager to see me succeed.  What an incredible sense of community!  My awakening: my self-sabotaging thoughts were absolutely misplaced.

{Click here to keep reading}

Health Transformation Challenge: Introduction

Today I start my "Health Transformation," which is really just a fancy way to say that I am publicizing my progress as I continue my health journey. I am proud to say, I lost over 75 lbs. and have maintained that for almost two years now. Here is a picture of me holding 85 extra pounds (nope, Ryan wasn't an abnormally large baby):

This is me after I had Ryan, almost at my heaviest. 
I don't have many pictures of me back then --
I was the person behind the camera, not in front of it.
Click here to keep reading.  (Why not?!)