Thursday, January 23, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 18

Almost 25% to my 12-week transformation!  Spending time every day has helped improve my awareness of my daily choices.  I don't have "throw-away" days -- you know where you make a bad choice, which leads to another, and another, and another and eventually you throw the day away because there is no chance to recover from all the unhealthy choices.  My issue is that just as one bad choice leads to another, one throw-away day leads to another and another, eventually adding up to a throw-away week, month and year.  Been there!  

Today's exercise is to revisit the choices we make that lead to habits of health or habits of disease and identify a healthy alternative choice for dealing with the habit next time you encounter it.  Here are 10 of my choices that lead to habits of disease and the choices I will choose next time (I referred back to my post for Day 10's challenge; click here to read it):

Habit of disease: Eating mindlessly at parties
Next time:  Make a plate of food with healthy portion sizes and choices and leave the kitchen and get away from the food. 

Habit of disease:  Snacking outside of fueling schedule
Next time: Asking myself if I really need a snack and drinking water if I feel I need something.  I will remind myself that I already planned enough food for the day.

Habit of disease: Not getting enough sleep
Next time: Reminding myself that nothing I do today is going to make me feel as good as getting enough sleep.  I will go to bed on time even if I don't have everything done that I wanted to do.

Habit of disease: Stressed about failing to complete tasks or projects
Next time: Schedule extra time to complete the things I want to do.  Prioritize and stick to the rest of my habits of health. 

Habit of disease: Not drinking enough water
Next time: Drink water with every meal.

Habit of disease: No exercise
Next time: Go to the gym, even if I don't feel like it or I am sore.  (SO HARD!!)

Habit of disease:  Giving up during exercise
Next time: Self talk to work through self doubt.  This is a tool that really works for me, but sometimes I give in and watch for the clock to move so I can be done.  I will also avoid looking at the clock.

Habit of disease: Stressed driving
Next time: Plan extra time to get to my appointments so that I don't feel rushed.

Habit of disease:  Eating out at a restaurant
Next time: Stick to budget and only eat out once in a while.  Be sure to meal plan around my schedule so I know I will have time to cook.

Habit of disease:  Waiting too long to eat breakfast
Next time: Eat breakfast before I get ready for the day.

Wow!  That was eye opening.  Sometimes we just fall into our unhealthy habits because we don't feel like we have the time or energy to make a plan for our next healthy choice.  Having a plan is just so important!!  

If you need help coming up with a plan for next time you face your own habits of disease, please reach out -- I can help!  My email address is

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