Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 8

Welcome to week two of the challenge!!  Hard to believe there are only 11 weeks left.  Too cool. 
Today's challenge has three parts: journal review, identifying grazing habits and identifying habits that support healthy choices.  Here's how I handled those:

I.  Journal review
This week, we are challenged to review our journal -- you know that thing in the corner that we visit every day, pat on the head and put away, hoping to avoid the accountability of yesterday's choices.  Nope, can't do that anymore.  Time to face it head on. 
Reviewing your journal is important for a number of reasons.  Here are just a few reasons I think it is important:
  1. It helps me reflect on my good choices;
  2. See that the choices that don't align with my goals (that were so important at the time), really didn't need to be made -- yep, I still do that now -- just less than I used to;
  3. Brings my motivation to the forefront (especially when I don't want to go to CrossFit);
  4. Reminds me that I am still working towards goals that I chose for myself; and
  5. Most importantly, it helps me see all the progress I am making!! (Little wins are still wins, right?!)
I was so sore last week after starting CrossFit.  I pushed through and it is paying off big time!  I wasn't sore today to the point that I walked like I was 90 years old (an unhealthy 90 year old, that is). 
II.  Habits that induce grazing
The second part of the challenge is to list three routines or habits that make you graze.  Grazing can create a massive intake of unused calories. (I think if I had to say "Moo!" aloud every time I was grazing, I would be a lot less likely to do it...  maybe.)  Back to the challenge.  Here is my list:
  1. Being in the kitchen. (How sad is that?)  Simply being in my kitchen (which is the social/ family space we use the most in our house), creates a Pavlov's dog issue for me and I think about all the fun things I bought while grocery shopping.  Mondays are my grocery shopping days and on Monday afternoons, homework time is the worst for my grazing.  Although we don't buy junk food, any food can be junk to your system if you don't need it for fuel. 
  2. Parties where we stand by the food.  Again, our kitchen is the center of our house for socializing.  We try to have healthy options only at parties, but eating more than I should is just always a problem.  Add a glass of wine (okay, two glasses), and hand me the stuffed mushrooms people!! 
  3. Working on the computer.  My mom used to keep treats in her desk at work and I always looked forward to visiting and having a gummy worm or two. So, when I got my first office job, I felt like I finally had the "freedom" to buy whatever treats and snacks I wanted and kept them in my desk.  I would eat all day long.  No breaks from the hand-to-mouth.  (Which makes me wonder how I ever got any typing done.)  I now recognize that as a big issue for me.
What I love about this challenge is that we are working through the blocks in our head that created the issues we don't think about sometimes.  That, and we are on a self-guided tour to our own health.  No one is making me do this (or tell the world) and I can work at my own pace to create health only as fast as I feel I am capable of going.  Although I am a health coach myself, I still am checking in with my health coach and holding myself accountable as a client.  I digress...

III.  Choices that support health

The final part of today's challenge is to list 10 choices that support your health.  I looked back in my journal at my goals and the exercises for Day 3, Day 5 and Day 6 for ideas.  Here is my list:

  1. CrossFit five days every week;
  2. Budgeting less for eating out (sorry, honey!);
  3. Creating a realistic daily schedule.  My health coach suggested I not only write down the things I hope to complete, but also the amount of time I need to complete each task.  I did that today and texted her a picture.  She can then give me feedback about it.
  4. Check-in with my coach weekly (Did that yesterday -- check!);
  5. Leave the kitchen area of social and family time (that one is going to be tough);
  6. Keep sleeping schedule the same;
  7. Make time for myself and don't override it with other tasks;
  8. Allow mistakes (Hello self, this is new, but we can do it!  Anybody else have trouble with this one?);
  9. Daily schedule will include planned fuelings and breaks; and
  10. Keeping a journal (working on it!).
I like how the challenge tells me not to worry about making all these changes at once.  It's called a transformation, not an overnight magic pill.  I'll just keep working on these every day.

CrossFit update...  today was week 2, day 1 and my 6th CrossFit class.  I am happy to say that I am 90% pain free and the soreness from today's workout lasted just a few hours.  I think my body is finally getting used to it.  I am so glad I kept going last week; who knows how many weeks it would have taken to get to this point otherwise.  Today's workout was to work on things with which you struggle (Hello?  Everything!).  I chose the basic movements: 10 lb. medicine ball wall balls, double unders (had five of those - my best ever!), 20 kg. kettle bell swings and squats.  I loathe the squats -- they are in almost everything.  They are getting better, but I still can't get down low enough because, you guessed it, it's so painful.  One day, I will do them without pain!

There you have it.  Another day working towards a healthier me!

If you'd like to sign up for this free health transformation challenge too, email me at HealthyandFitLife@gmail.com.

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