Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 23

Today's workout at CrossFit was a killer.  I was not looking forward to it and I am so glad it is over.  I posted that on Facebook and someone commented that the workouts you hate the most give you the best results.  I desperately needed a reminder of how far I've come over the last few weeks today.  I took a peek at my progress photo several times, took a deep breath, and headed in to face the craziness.  I didn't want to go, but I did anyways.  I know it will pay off eventually, I just wish I was easier now.  I guess if it were easier now, I won't feel as accomplished later.  Anyways, on to today's challenge...

Today we continue working on our frames of reference.  (Read yesterday's post about frames of focus.)

Here are three of my close-up frames of reference that I get caught up in:

1.  I can't go to bed on time because I have too much to do first.
2.  I can't exercise today because I am still sore from yesterday.
3.  I don't have time to plan healthy meals everyday.

In the medium range, we see how things fit together and we see the patterns in our own behavior.  Actually, sometimes it's scary that we create patterns in our own behavior -- looking in the mirror can be so hard!  Here are three things I have discovered about my own behavior patterns:

1.  When I don't go to bed on time, I don't get enough sleep.  When I don't get enough sleep, I lose sight of my motivation and tend to make choices that are not consistent with my goals.
2.  When I start thinking about how sore I am from exercise, I forget about the benefits of exercise and replace my thoughts with negative ones full of excuses.  
3.  When I don't make time to eat healthfully, I lose time because I am so tired and have no energy.

The last frame, the farthest distance from the object, is one of vague reference and creates a sense that we have no control over our choices.  Here are three of mine:

1.  I never get enough sleep because I always have too much work to do.
2.  Exercising is too hard and takes too much work.
3.  Eating healthy takes too much time.

So, some of those things sound crazy on paper, but I promise you I have thought those things many, many times before.  It's so hard to have to write those things and let the world know the craziness that swarms my unhealthy historic choices.

How are you doing with your own challenge?  Are you ready to work on your health in a sustainable way?  Email me at HealthyandFitLife@gmail.com.

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