Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 26

Today's challenge is to create a timeline for success, which creates some urgency and doesn't allow our minds to wonder into "Someday Land," which is where we tell ourselves that "Someday, I will ________________ so that I can be healthier."  Sometimes "Someday" is replaced with "Tomorrows" or "Next Weeks," but they really all mean "Someday."  First, we list things that are going to help us get to where we want to be.  Second, we assign a realistic timeline to complete those things.  I am using the action steps and timeline from Day 25's challenge.  Here is my timeline:

1. I will go to the gym four or five days every week.

2. I will eat nutrient-rich meals every 2-3 hours for at least the next two weeks.

3. I will wake up at the same time every day for at least the next two weeks.

4. I will continue building my lifting weights at every opportunity, building to 200 lbs.

5. Create a schedule that allows open time over the next two weeks so I don't get overwhelmed. 

6. I will not give up at the gym when I am exhausted.

7. I will drink at least 80 oz. of water every day for at least the next two weeks. 

8. I will keep the same bedtime every day, even when I feel like I have too much to do.

9. Stick to my weekly meal plan to avoid unplanned eating out.

10. Do fun things when I am not scheduled to do my health coaching or housekeeping chores.
1. 04/06/14

2. 02/14/14

3. 02/14/14

4. 04/06/14

5. 02/14/14

6. 02/14/14

7. 02/14/14

8. 02/14/14

9. 02/14/14

10. 02/14/14

The second part of the challenge is to identify some unhealthy habits and alternative healthy habits.  Here are some of mine:

Choice A: Skip breakfast
Choice B: Eat a healthy, low-calorie meal such as low fat yogurt and strawberries with a cup of hot tea.

Choice A: Save up calories for that big dinner.
Choice B: Eat every three hours; never skip a meal in order to eat more later.

Choice A: Have a high-calorie, high-fat dessert.
Choice B: Have hot tea; have one sip and savor it.  (Can you tell I love tea?)

Choice A: Go to happy hour.
Choice B: Run or go to the gym.

Choice A: Sit around being bored.
Choice B: Make a “to do” list and get your house, office, etc, in order.

Choice A: Listen to negative self talk.
Choice B: Review my goals and stay focused on positive things I have accomplished.

Choice A: Stay up late watching TV.
Choice B: Go to bed on time and early enough to get seven or eight hours of sleep; record my favorite shows if they are on after my bedtime.

Choice A: Not drink enough water, or drink tea instead.
Choice B: Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day.

Choice A: Grocery shop when you’re hungry.
Choice B: Shop after a good breakfast, and stick to my list.  Pack a snack in my purse in case I am gone too long and get hungry.

Choice A: Reach for the snack cupboard.
Choice B: Do laundry or clean the house; do squats or kettle bell swings.

Choice A: Try to get healthy alone.
Choice B: Continue to use my free Health Coach and ask for support from my friends and family.

Choice A: Eat at a restaurant.
Choice B: Make my own healthy meals so I control how they’re prepared; stick to my weekly meal plan; stick to my restaurant budget.

I feel much better about my habits being goal-oriented instead of willpower oriented.  It makes it much easier to know that this is a choice I am making for the big picture, not the moment.  

If you need help with your secondary choices and picking alternatives that fit you, please email me at

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