Saturday, January 11, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Day 5

Day 5 of my health transformation was fairly eye opening.  Talk about a challenge that holds you accountable to yourself!  

The challenge was to identify five lifestyle events that I want to accomplish (no matter how big or small the dream).  Here are mine:

1.  Reduce fat to 25% of body composition;
2.  SCUBA dive in Hawaii;
3.  Lift 200 lbs. weights;
4.  Find a schedule that fits me (now that I am a full time from home health coach) to help increase quality time with my family; and
5.  Exercise 4-5 times weekly.

Other people might identify weight loss goals, reducing stress, improving sleep, reducing medications, improving relationships with healthy-minded friends, etc.  The possibilities are endless - so dream BIG!!  What will life be like when you reach those goals? 

The next part is to identify habits that support those lifestyle events.  Mine were:

1.  Eat healthfully and exercise to build muscle, but maintain weight;
2.  Maintain my healthy weight and save money to travel;
3.  Build lifting every opportunity possible and seek assistance when needed;
4.  Allow open time in my schedule; and
5.  Go to the gym when scheduled, even when I am sore and don't want to go.

Okay, that was tough!  Most people know what they should do, but rarely do they announce their goals publicly to be held to them.  What could you do to put you closer to your goals?  Think about identifying characteristics or actions of someone who has accomplished the same goals you want to achieve.  If your goal is to reduce stress in your life, ask yourself what a person with little or no apparent stress does to keep that in check.  Do they work less?  Do they have more time for fun?  Do they have a hobby?  Do they have a shorter commute to work?  Do they surround themselves with friends who are supportive of their goals and dreams?

The next step is to identify the habits you practice that may prevent you from reaching those goals.  Mine are:

1.  Choosing unhealthy food at times (although rare, I do indulge from time to time);
2.  Spending savings on items I deem more important in the moment;
3.  Giving in to my fear of lifting heavy weights;
4.  Overbooking my new schedule and putting too many tasks on lists;
5.  Excuses!!

Admittedly, that one was a lot harder.  Creating a little self-awareness and digging into why I haven't accomplished those goals is tough.  Putting it out there publicly is even harder.  No more secrets, right?  

Going back to the example of stress, you might practice habits like continuing to work in a job that is more stressful that you would like, working extra hours to make ends meet, self-talk that taking a vacation is not feasible given your work schedule, failing to budget money for your hobby, or self-talk that healthy-minded friends wouldn't like you because you aren't healthy yet.

The last step is to identify habits you rely on when you are emotional (crying, angry, upset, anxious, etc.).  Mine have definitely changed from where I started my journey.  When I was unhealthy, my responses would have been:

1.   Eating sweets (especially chocolate);
2.  Late bedtime to work more (losing sleep);
3.  Yelling;
4.  Sitting on couch (feeling defeated);
5.  Eating out because I have no energy;

Now, after creating health, my habits are:

1.  Sticking to fueling schedule;
2.  Sticking to savings as planned, though sometimes I stray and I need to change that;
3.  Same bedtime every day;
4.  Cleaning; and
5.  Sticking to my weekly meal plan instead of eating out.

Wow, it is so important to reflect on our habits and understand why we need to change them if we truly want to reach our goals.  I rescheduled an appointment because it interfered with my time at the gym.  That is one step I made to ensure I stay on track.  What changes are you making to ensure you reach your goals?

Day 5 of CrossFit was my best day yet!  I started using Tiger Balm on my sore muscles after hearing about it from a friend and it is absolutely working!!  This is what it looks like (it's the consistency of vasoline):

I already learned the exercises at CrossFit over the week, so I was able to do everything with far less help.  My form for everything is getting much better and I feel more confident every day.  Now that the pain is starting to subside, each day is getting better and better.  

As for my goals about working on my schedule, it is still very much a work in progress. I learned this week that I need to allow more empty space in my calendar to allow me time to breath.  I feel myself forgetting to eat sometimes (although I haven't missed a meal this week), which is definitely an old habit I do not want to bring back to life.  

If you would like help identifying your goals and habits and a plan to succeed, please reach out to me by email at