Monday, January 6, 2014

Health Transformation Challenge: Introduction

Today I start my "Health Transformation," which is really just a fancy way to say that I am publicizing my progress as I continue my health journey. I am proud to say, I lost over 75 lbs. and have maintained that for almost two years now. Here is a picture of me holding 85 extra pounds (nope, Ryan wasn't an abnormally large baby):

This is me after I had Ryan, almost at my heaviest. 
I don't have many pictures of me back then --
I was the person behind the camera, not in front of it.
Click here to keep reading.  (Why not?!) 

In the two years since I lost those extra pounds, among other things, I ran a marathon, reduced my work stress by leaving my 13 year paralegal career to help others get healthy, and improved my sleep habits by making it a priority. 

This is me after I finished the Portland marathon!
(That's Ryan's little head in the bottom left, by the way.)
All of those things were an impossibility when I started, but I refused to give in to my own self-destructive thoughts about a perceived hole out of which I couldn't dig myself. I hope as you read along, you will understand that whatever endless can't-see-your-way-out hole you are in, health is possible for you!

I have helped many people create health in their lives, but I am always looking to help more. I feel like I took too many side trips on my own journey and wish that when I started this mission, that I knew what I know now about the right way to do it.

I will be posting here about my progress as I continue to work to get healthier and healthier every day during this Health Transformation Challenge. What I love about the challenge is that it is customized to the person (a mini version of the program I coach) and can fit your lifestyle.  We work towards the goals you have because not everyone fits into the same box.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested in joining me to do the challenge themselves, please reach out. The challenge is 100% free (I promise, no gimmicks!)

Email me at to learn more about the Health Transformation Challenge. (What do you have to lose?)

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