Monday, January 27, 2014

Healthy Transformation Challenge: Day 22

Happy Monday!  Today starts week four of the transformation.  I started my day with CrossFit.  Every day is a little easier (though it doesn't seem that way at the time).  I'm either not sore or slightly sore and recovery is getting so much easier.  Thank goodness!  I am even making friends with the people there and I feel so much more comfortable than a few weeks ago.

Week four's weekly challenge is to eat a healthy breakfast.  A few years ago, I never ate breakfast.  It was something I skipped to make time to work. When you pack your schedule and feel like you have no room to breathe, you make room where you can to make ends meet.  Breakfast and sleep were the first things to go.  Time for fun and dates with my husband went right out the window too.  It's amazing how the little things in our health add up to our bigger picture. So, since my decision to do whatever it took to get and stay healthy, I started eating breakfast every day, and I try to eat something as soon as I can after waking up.  It was one of the first snowflakes in my healthy snowball.  

Today's daily challenge discusses zooming in on our desires at very close range (where you see the details, but when the camera moves, the details pass quickly), medium range (where you see the whole picture) and farther away (where it's harder to see the object).  

The first part of the challenge is to list three current behaviors in the very close range, like impulses.  Here are mine: 

1.  Sometimes I forget to eat snacks before I start to get hungry and feel my blood sugar dropping.  
2.  Sometimes I stay up later because I feel the need to finish a project, even though I know I need sleep.
3.  Sometimes I over-schedule myself even though I know it leads me to be stressed.  

The second part of the challenge is to list three current behaviors in the medium range that affect my health that contribute or take away from my goals for the week, month, year, etc.  Here's my list:

1.  I try to always check labels to ensure I know what is in my food and eat organic if possible.
2.  I committed to going to the gym five days every week to increase the health of my organs and my stamina to play with my kiddos. 
3.  I set a bedtime and a time to wake up every day and try to stick to it because I know that it contributes to healthier sleep.

The third part of the challenge is to list three current behaviors in the long shot range, where we see how are choices lead to the future.  My list is:

1. I will one day reduce my body fat percentage to 25% so that I can be leaner in body mass.
2. I will one day help 10,000 people get healthy.
3. I will one day climb a mountain.

Clearly, focusing on our middle range is the best way to accomplish our goals.  Remembering to place my focus there is a struggle, but I work at it every day.

If you would like help getting healthy and identifying what habits to start focusing on, email me at

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