Saturday, August 18, 2012

Project: Reward Marbles

I think we can all agree that health does not depend solely on the number on the scale.  If you choose to create health in your life, you should focus on creating your healthy body, mind, emotions, spirit and finances.  All of those things are interdependent.  When we focus on only reaching our healthy weight, without regard to the reasons we got into the position we're in, we cannot truly be healthy.

One of my clients is on her journey to health and needed a good visual of all the things she was accomplishing to give her a little boost in her journey.  Most of us have seen the "Pounds Lost/ Pounds to Lose" jars.  For every pound you lose, you move a marble from the "Pounds to Lose" jar into the "Pounds Lost" jar.  They look like this:

Those jars are a good idea, but I have a hard time accepting that our only goal is to lose pounds.  Instead, shouldn't we focus on all of our healthy accomplishments?

One of my clients was struggling with focusing only on the scale and not on all the other healthful things she was doing.  I gave her an assignment and here is what my client created:

She took a jar and various colored "reward" marbles and rocks.  For each reward marble or rock, she  assigned it a particular goal. She gives herself reward marbles for:
  • Weight loss
  • EET and NEET accomplishments
  • Emotional hurdles (she assigned black rocks for those!)
  • Drinking half her body weight in water for a day
  • Eat enough of the right foods
  • Exercise
  • Impromtu good choices (life is full of those opportunities!)
  • Major goals achieved
  • Minor goals achieved
Once she started looking at the healthy life she was creating and all the great things she was doing to get healthy, rather than focusing only on losing pounds, she found that she was making great progress and found she was making huge strides towards health.

Here is a picture of what she created:

If you are looking to create health in all aspects of your life, please reach out for help.  You don't have to do it alone.  I have been there before, and I can help coach you to health, just like Kimber. Email me at

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