Sunday, November 11, 2012

Story of Inspiration: Monique E.

Monique is working so hard to maintain her health for many reasons. She feels better physically when she is healthy. She is 43 (she said I could share that with you) and has a permanent neck injury and her knees are also starting to bother her. She has so much more energy and less pain without all the extra weight! Like most of us women, to her, it is also very important how she looks. She loves clothes and loves being able to wear what she wants with confidence.

She also strives to be a good role model to her children, especially her teenage daughter. There are many overweight people on both sides of her family. She wants her children to learn the habits of health now so they will not struggle so much as they get older.

Monique's picture of health is to be able to do whatever she wants and wear whatever she wants without being concerned about how she feels or how she looks. She is enjoying life with energy and motivation to continue her path to health. She is getting outside in God's amazing creation and enjoying His gift of love to us in all the splendor He intended.  She feels like she is a good steward of the miraculous body He gave her and utilizes all the abilities it contains.

Monique's biggest influences are those she cares about who have struggled and overcome the obstacles in their life to realize that it is important to take care of themselves. She has learned that it is okay to be a mom and put yourself first for a change because, in fact, a happy, healthy mom, makes for a happy, healthy family!

Monique's life has drastically changed! Her entire family knows the importance of taking care of their health and having the ability to enjoy life the way our Father and Creator intended. She is reaping the joy of sharing this health revolution with so many others; some that have blessed her life that she would have never met otherwise!

She feels so blessed to have created health for herself and her family!

1 comment:

  1. I've been hearing about Monique for about 9 months. I've nut never met, but she has been an inspiration to me even so. I wouldn't be on current health journey if it was for her taking the first steps on her health journey. Thank you!! and Megan!!.
